Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Management - Service Package Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management - Service Package - Essay Example An elderly care center is a specialized place designed to take care of elderly people in the society. Therefore, a number of supporting facilities must be taken care of before elderly people are admitted into the elderly care center. In some states, it is a requirement that all elderly care centers comply with state regulations concerning the nursing home reform act. Supporting facilities Supporting facilities refer to physical resources that must be in place before a service can be given out. A key component of facilitating goods encompasses architectural appropriateness, which means that the structures should be tailored according to the needs of the elderly people. In terms of architecture, the houses should be constructed in line with the prevailing climatic conditions of the place where the elderly care centre will be located (White & Duncan 263). The houses should encompass various rooms with washrooms, which are well maintained to cater for the needs of the elderly. The archit ectural design should provide for facilities such as places where the elderly can rest whenever they want to relax. The interior decor should consist of quality furniture and the house should be well decorated. The tables, sofas, and other furniture should be made with appropriate designs and from quality timber. The layout of the facility should be placed in a location with a good flow of traffic to avoid any unnecessary disturbance to the elderly. Other essential supporting facilities include facilities to ensure safety against fire, grab bars in bathrooms and toilets, private toilets and bathrooms, safes, and locked drawers. The houses should also be equipped with supporting facilities such as temperature controls and heating facilities. Other supporting facilities include fitness rooms, libraries, activity rooms, theatres, open grounds for exercises, and walking facilities for persons with walking problems (White & Duncan 268). To improve on security within the housing facility, wander alert systems, alarmed exits, automated fire sprinkler systems, and enclosed yards should be considered. Facilitating goods Facilitating goods refer to goods consumed by buyer or goods as well as materials purchased and consumed by the providers of services. The facilitating goods necessary in an elderly care centre include quality mattresses and warm blankets. Quality will ensure that the elderly feel comfortable when they sleep while the warm blankets will significantly reduce the chances of them to feel cold. Sleeping in a comfortable place can reduce the chances of conditions such as backaches and flu. The caregivers should also be provided with mattresses of high quality as well as warm blankets. This will ensure that they do not have any hindrance while providing services to the elderly (Johnston & Clark 32). Other essential facilitating goods, which should be made available in the elderly care centre, include toothpaste, shampoo, as well as uniforms for the elders and caregivers. Toothpaste and shampoo are essential goods, which ensure the general well being and hygiene in the elderly care centre. Uniforms should be provided as they play an essential role in identifying both the caregivers and the elders. This helps in differentiating between the elderly and caregivers. Service explicit The explicit services refer to benefits, which can be observed and felt with the use of the senses. The achievement of explicit services calls for the employment of qualified caregivers who can treat

Monday, February 3, 2020

Parental Responsiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parental Responsiveness - Essay Example If any case a child gets difficulties in achieving what he or she demands, he or she cries for assistance. Therefore, it is the role of the parents or caregivers to react responsibly after a child cries and assist on what he or she wants. When children start schooling, they meet with peers. During that time, the child adapts other different behaviors. The peer pressure usually affects them more behaviors than those they acquired from their parents or caretakers. The behaviors include good and bad ones where bad ones are easier to adapt than the good ones. The bad behaviors become more challenging to the parents or caretakers while trying to control them from their children. The adolescent stage is where most of the children have a greater resistance in changing the code of behaviors (Staats, 2002). Most of the children who refuse to change their behaviors as guided by their parents or caretakers or teachers, they mess up with their lives as they become mature. At this stage, there are some who drop out from schooling and later regret in their lives. Psychoanalysis is the understanding of the psychological phenomenon and how to treat emotional disorders. Children psychoanalysis is a form of research and treatment involving the children in trying to help them in coping with the problems. The main goal psychoanalysis is to aid children together with their parents in understanding their behaviors and feelings and try to develop them back on track (Palombo et al, 2009). The therapy usually involves less play along with more talks while the children get older towards and into puberty. Parents or caretakers should assist their children mostly at the puberty stage. The method can be used in handling the situation where the mother does not understand the desires of the infant when he or she cries. In most cases a child cries when he or she becomes uncomfortable, hungry, tired, or wants to sleep. During