Tuesday, November 26, 2019
5 Ways to Fix the Comma Splice
5 Ways to Fix the Comma Splice 5 Ways to Fix the Comma Splice 5 Ways to Fix the Comma Splice By Mark Nichol A comma splice is simply a sentence in which a comma is called on to do more than is appropriate for the workaday but weak punctuation mark. When a sentence contains two independent clauses each of which could essentially stand on its own separated by a comma (or by nothing at all, in which case it’s called a fused sentence), employ one of these five strategies to fix the splice and create a correct connection: 1. â€Å"Of course not all companies will survive, it is our goal to give the investing public accurate information on all companies profiled.†Divide the sentence into two (and set â€Å"Of course†off with a comma as well): â€Å"Of course, not all companies will survive. It is our goal to give the investing public accurate information on all companies profiled.†2. â€Å"Some buildings hearken back to Main Street, USA, others offer strip-mall modernism.†Insert a subordinating conjunction to convert either clause into a subordinate clause (one that depends on the other to be the main clause): â€Å"Some buildings hearken back to Main Street, USA, while others offer strip mall modernism.†(While could, alternatively, begin the sentence.) 3. â€Å"Several people have told me they want to buy a house before they are laid off, otherwise they won’t be able to get a loan.†Replace the comma with a semicolon (and, in this case, set otherwise off from the rest of the second clause: â€Å"Several people have told me they want to buy a house before they are laid off; otherwise, they won’t be able to get a loan.†4. â€Å"At times, it resembled the pitch of a whirring blender, at other moments, an angelic choir.†Separate the clauses with a coordinating conjunction: â€Å"At times, it resembled the pitch of a whirring blender, and at other moments, an angelic choir.†(The final comma and the elided phrase â€Å"an angelic choir†are correct; repetition of â€Å"it resembled†is implied.) 5. â€Å"Other cops have an alternative solution, they simply arrive on the scene long after the criminals have fled in order to avoid any confrontation.†Employ a colon in place of the comma when what follows is a definition or explanation stemming from the first clause: â€Å"Other cops have an alternative solution: They simply arrive on the scene long after the criminals have fled in order to avoid any confrontation.†Better yet, to create a stronger impact with the sentence, move the final modifying phrase forward as a parenthetical: â€Å"Other cops have an alternative solution: In order to avoid any confrontation, they simply arrive on the scene long after the criminals have fled.†More than one of these strategies is usually an option; each of the sentences above can be repaired with at least two of the methods described. Often, however, depending on the sentence content and structure, one solution will stand out as the best. (An em dash can also be used to set one independent clause off from the other.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†Flier vs. FlyerPreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Friday, November 22, 2019
The 12 Best Books on Writing Ive Ever Read - Jerry Jenkins
The 12 Best Books on Writing Ive Ever Read - Jerry Jenkins The 12 Best Books on Writing Ive Ever Read Regardless how many books I’ve written (nearly 200) and sold (over 70 million), I fear if I’m not learning, I’m stagnating. My late mother was a convincing example of one who never believed she had arrived. Mom was not only a piano teacher well into her eighties, but she was also a piano student. So it’s the memory of my mother that spurs me also to keep reading everything there is to read- especially about writing. The books below (in alpha order by author) represent a fraction of those available. You could read one per day for the rest of your life and not exhaust the resources. But, in my opinion, these are the best books on writing available. Some require wearing your big kid pants due to language, which I have noted. 12 Books Every Aspiring Author Should Read 1. The Writing Life: Writers on How They Think and Work By Marie Arana This book came from ten years of Ms. Arana’s Washington Post Book World column. More than fifty fiction and nonfiction authors share how they discovered they were writers and how they work. I was fascinated by what pleases and annoys them. Arana also profiles each writer. Click here to get the book. 2. Plot Structure: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting a Plot that Grips Readers from Start to Finish By James Scott Bell (friend and colleague) Anything but a dry textbook, this breezy guide is from a former trial lawyer who keeps you entertained while covering basics like how plot impacts structure, the difference between popular and literary fiction, and how to serve as your own book doctor. Click here to get the book. 3. Getting into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn from Actors By Brandilyn Collins (friend and colleague) Calling on her theater training, Collins teaches bringing characters to life the way actors do on stage. She draws on the Method Acting approach to explain and adapt characterization techniques for novelists. Click here to get the book. 4. The Writing Life By Annie Dillard Dillard’s hauntingly ethereal prose soars even when she’s writing about writing. That’s rare. I resonate with her honesty about how grueling the craft can be. This is one of the best books on writing available. Click here to get the book. 5. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft [language] By Stephen King (acquaintance) At the risk of hyperbole, there’s so much to recommend here that I hardly know where to begin. Besides all the practical advice, you get King’s own rags-to-riches story in his inimitable voice. You learn a ton while being wildly entertained. Click here to get the book. 6. How to Write Bestselling Fiction [mild language] By Dean Koontz I’m not overstating it that this book changed my life. It informed the way I wrote the Left Behind series, which has sold more than 60 million copies and still sells six figures every year, nearly a decade since the last title was released. I use this as a textbook when I teach writing. Click here to get the book. 7. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life [language] By Anne Lamott Lamott has you howling with laughter one minute and weeping the next as she recounts, with brutal honesty, the joys and travails of the writing life, single parenting, overcoming addiction, and coming to faith. Click here to get the book. 8. Writing the Breakout Novel: Insider Advice for Taking Your Fiction to the Next Level By Donald Maass An agent challenges you to do more than just spin a yarn, but to also think â€Å"big concept,†tackle major themes, and write life-changing works. Click here to get the book. 9. Stein On Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and Strategies By Sol Stein (acquaintance) Novelist, editor, publisher (Stein Day), and writing teacher, Stein is one of the deans of the American literary scene. His career spans decades, and he shares insider stories of famous novelists and their work, as well as everything he learned along the way. I sat under his teaching years ago and still follow his advice. Click here to get the book. 10. On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction By William Zinsser Zinsser’s background should not be missed. He was a graceful classicist as a writer, and this million-seller has been lauded for its warmth and clarity. Zinsser offers sound tips on the fundamentals of writing any kind of nonfiction you can think of. Click here to get the book. Now, don’t read any of those books for writers, until†¦ †¦you’ve read the bible of writing books: 11. The Elements of Style By William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White Failing to start your reading on writing with anything other than this undisputed classic would be akin to reading the top ten Christian classics while ignoring the Bible. This short paperback is recommended by every writing teacher I know. I’ve read it at least once a year for more than 40 years. Its simple truths cover everything from style and grammar and usage. Make them second nature. Click here to get the book. 12. Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One Never Lets Them Go By Les Edgerton Les is one of the most powerfully edgy writers in the business, and you must have your big kid pants on to read his novels. But any writer will benefit from this great resource. Packed with helpful, practical advice, it carries his blunt tone (but nothing offensive). I refer to it regularly. Click here to get the book. If you’ve read none of the other books on this list, start with Stephen King’s On Writing. A short course in mistakes to avoid while writing, it’ll remind you why you wanted to be an author. Then, especially if you want to be a novelist, read Dean Koontz’s How to Write Bestselling Fiction. You could learn more in just those two books than in an entire college writing course. BONUS: Before investing in one of these, download my free guide: How to Write a Book: Everything You Need to Know in 20 Steps.  Click here to download How to Write a Book: Everything You Need to Know in 20 Steps. What’s your favorite book on the craft of writing? Share it with all of us in the comments section†¦
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Language and Lexicon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Language and Lexicon - Essay Example Language and Lexicon As long as it meets the description, it is a language, even if other organisms do not understand it. Generally, it is the cognitive ability to learn and utilize complex communicative systems. Language relies on semiosis in order to relate signs with their meanings. It contains phonological systems, which govern the manner in which symbols combine to create sequences of words. Lexicon, on the other hand, is the vocabulary of the said language, also referred to as an individual’s lexical knowledge. It is taken along the lines of meaning in a language of written symbols and speech sounds. It is essential to know a language’s lexicon in order to understand the language. Every culture possesses its own lexicon and language. Lexicon includes bound morphemes, for example, majority of affixes, which cannot be used alone as words. Lexicon can also include various idiomatic classes of expression, as well as other collocations, and compound words. Dictionaries normally attempt to list a given language’s lexicon in alphabetical order, although they do not include bound morphemes. Lexicon, more formally, is the inventory of lexemes that is present in a particular language. Key Features of Language There are several key features of any language. Language is quite complex since it is the only full lexicon. One feature of language is a vocal-auditory channel. Majority of languages are spoken with hearing and the voice being medium for the majority of communication. Vocal communication acts as the basis for language communication (Trask, 2012). Directional reception and broadcast transmission is another feature of language. Human language is dispersed in every direction when it is spoken, although the ear pinpoints the sound’s direction. Another key feature is transitoriness or rapid fading, which refers to the fact that sound, fades quickly. This gives sufficient opportunity for people to hold discussions that would be lost in confusion if the sound s hang in the air. Interchangeability is another key feature of language, which allows for speech utterances in use by the two genders. This is not present in all organisms. The feature allows for empathy and thorough understanding among the sexes (Trask, 2012). Another key feature of language is total feedback that ensures all humans can hear what they say while checking the communicative effect and quality of their speech. Individual analysis of speech allows one to correct mistakes that lead to clearer communication in conversations held in the future, as well as for the avoidance of undesirable action (Trask, 2012). Specialization is yet another feature with the human body possessing parts that let them vocalize the phonemes. These are essential increased communication perception and depth of understanding, both non-verbal and verbal. Other features are semantics, which refer to the use of different words to express similar meanings in the same language. Moreover, arbitrariness that ensures sounds are given a meaning by the person hearing them, discreteness that refers to the ability of humans to put sounds in context even where the sounds are not clear, and duality of patterning that is referent to the switching of known sounds to come up with new meanings (Trask, 2012). Levels of Language There are four levels of language; text, sentences, words, and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A Heightened Agent Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Heightened Agent - Coursework Example After having supper, I lit up the cigarette, placed it between my lips, and tried to smoke right beside my mother. Understandably, I choked out because I had never smoked before and my lungs were not used to allowing the in-pour of smoke. My mother snatched the cigarette from me and tore it to pieces. To this day, I regret how upset I had made her. This shows that â€Å"errors in cultural performance committed by post-adolescents are generally seen as more serious and are more likely to arouse direct criticism, punishment, or other sanctions†(Hirschfeld 612). Back then, I perceived my parents, especially my mother as the foundation of our structure. My mother always has rules and principles that everyone must abide by. While many people experience a shift in the structure today, my structure is based on my parents even today. I think it is because of the fact that I have become more responsible, caring, and respectful toward my parents over the passage of time than I was as a child.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example for Free
Business Ethics Essay Fred, a 17-year employee with Sams Sauna, was fired for poor job performance and poor attendance, after accruing five disciplinary penalties within a 12-month period under the companys progressive disciplinary policy. A week later, Fred told his former supervisor that he had a substance abuse problem. Although there was no employee assistance program in place and the company had not been aware of Freds condition, their personnel director assisted Fred in obtaining treatment by allowing him to continue receiving insurance benefits and approved his unemployment insurance claim. Fred subsequently requested reinstatement, maintaining that he had been rehabilitated since his discharge and was fully capable of being a productive employee. He pointed to a letter written by his treatment counselor, which said that his prognosis for leading a clean, sober lifestyle was a big incentive for him. Fred pleaded for another chance, arguing that his past problems resulted from drug addiction and that Sams Saunas should have recognized and provided treatment for the problem. Sams Saunas countered that Fred should have notified his supervisor of his drug problem, and that everything possible had been done to help him receive treatment. Moreover, the company stressed that the employee had been fired for poor performance and absenteeism. Use of the progressive discipline policy had been necessary because the employee had committed a string of offenses over the course of a year, including careless workmanship, distracting others, wasting time, and disregarding safety rules. Questions: 1) Should Fred be reinstated? 2) Was the company fair to Fred in helping him receive treatment? 3) Did the personnel director behave ethically toward Fred? 4) Did he act ethically for his company? 5) Would it be fair to other employees to reinstate Fred?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
African American Sentiments :: essays research papers
For those people who did not study the Civil War or doesn?ft know anything about the Civil War, there were many African Americans fighting too. Before the Civil War, the African Americans that were not freed by their landowners were treated poorly. Some left their family in the south and escaped to the north in hope to get more freedom and also to help bring an end to slavery. After the battle at Antietam, many African Americans were allowed to enroll in the war. Many of them wanted to fight for one single purpose and that was to bring an end to slavery. In the movie ?gGlory,?h the director focused on the African American in the north that fought in the 54th regiment led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. During the time of the Civil War, the African Americans that fought in the 54th regiment were often treated unfairly but there were always nice people that backed them up. In this essay, I?fm going to discuss the different sentiments towards the African American solders that dedicated th eir life to preserve the union and abandon slavery. During the Civil War, there were people who were extremely prejudiced against the 54th regiment because the soldiers were all different colored skin and the people where used to the idea that different color skinned people worked as slaves. In ?gGlory,?h Colonel Montgomery, Sargent Mocati (the Sargent that trained and prepared them for war) and the colonel that was in charge of distributing necessities, served as the people who discriminated the African American soldiers. When in training, Sargent remained strict towards the training of the African American soldiers even after his short talk with Robert about being too harsh on the soldiers and stuff. I think he was racist against the soldiers because if the solders were white, he probably wouldn?ft treat them the same way. When he was teaching the soldiers how to march, some of them couldn?ft tell the difference between left and right. He acted as if all African Americans were uneducated and they were hopeless to teach. Shoes were a n essential part of training. Many of the African American soldiers didn?ft even have decent shoes when they enrolled for the war. Naturally, after all the training, their shoes worn down. If the 54th regiment were composed of white soldiers, the department that pass out shoes would already prepare extra shoes for them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Brand Extension Essay
Brand extension is a marketing strategy according to which a company marketing a product or a service launches a new offering (product or service) that is related to the one of the existing brands of the company, but offers different benefits and/or targets a different segment. Organizations use this strategy to increase and leverage upon their brand equity. When a firm is introducing a new product, it has the following 3 choices on branding: 1. Developing a new brand for the new product 2. Using the existing brand for the new product 3. Combining the new brand and the existing brand The use of 2nd and 3rd strategy is referred to as brand extension. Brands may be classified as one of the following: Parent Brand: If an existing brand gives birth to a brand extension, it is referred to as parent brand. Sub Brand: When a new brand is combined with an existing brand, it is called as sub brand. Family Brand: If a parent brand has links with multiple brands through brand extensions then it is called as family brand. Brand Extension Dimensions There are a large number of ways in which brand extension can be accomplished. One of the vital differences is if the extension is in the same or different category of the product. Thus they can be classified as: vertical or horizontal extensions. Vertical extensions Vertical extensions refer to the introduction of a related brand in the same product category but having a different price and quality balance. Vertical extensions offer the firm a quickest way to leverage upon the core product’s equity. As an extension strategy, vertical extension is widely practiced in many industries. For example, within automobile industry, the various brand models attempt to offer different price-quality bundles to attract various market segments. Often a product is extended in an attempt to just gain more of the market share. Vertical extension direction New product introductions using vertical extensions can extend in 2 directions, upscale and downscale vertical extensions. The vertical brand extension is that type of new product introduction that seems to be carrying less risk and seemingly having more appeal to management. The new product which is being introduced is in the same category as the parent product; aims at a same market segment as the parent, and may or may not enjoy the same acceptance as the parent. Upscale vertical extensions Upscale extensions involve a new product introduction by the firm with higher price & quality characteristics than the original product. Downscale vertical extensions It involves a new product introduction with lower price & quality characteristics than the original. Downscale vertical extensions may target sampling to a new segment, and bring some gain in market share. Horizontal extensions Generally, horizontal brand extensions either use or extend an existing product’s name to a new product in the same product category or to a product category new to the organization. There are 2 types of horizontal extensions which differ in terms of their focus area. They are termed as line extensions and category extensions. Line Extensions All the customers differ in terms of their usage needs. The brand has to fill the market with variety of products as per the needs of the segments. If a parent brand is used to brand a new product that targets a new segment in the market within the same product category that was previously served by the parent brand, it is called as line extension. Line extension leads to the addition of a new and distinct flavour or ingredient to the category. It sometimes might also lead to a new application for the brand or an introduction of a different form or size. For example, Bisleri is the pioneering brand in category of mineral water. Originally, Bisleri started off with 1 ltr bottle. But recently, the brand has launched bottles of different sizes and quantities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparison some Theories of Motivation Essay
What is motivation? People are motivated when they want to do something and make progress. Mixed motives range from conscious to unconscious are necessary for action but not sufficient in themselves, hence â€Å"we must judge a person’s motives from their overt actions†(John Adair:1996:19). Motives don’t always correspond with reasons for actions. Motivation also means extending to moving other people to action (J. Adair:1996:19) and covers the reasons which underlie the way in which a person act (J. Adair:1990:1). Who motivates people? What makes them tick? Why do you do anything? This is a subject of perennial fascination. It is especially important for anyone who works with other people – to think about this question in some depth. Perhaps the first step to answering these questions is to explore the central concept of motivation. Motivation is the word referring the reason of engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in psychology and neuropsychology. The main focus of the essay is to explore Maslow’ s (after Freud and Jung) Hierarchy of Needs. His idea will be compared with those of Friderick Hertzberg’s Theory of Hygiene and F. W. Taylor’s Theory of Motivation. Perhaps, there is no theory of motivation which has been as much influential on the thinking of managers as an Abraham Maslow’ s hierarchy of needs. A person is motivated by an inner programme of â€Å"needs†which are arranged in sets and it suggests that external motives such as rewards or punishment are not a factors of motivation. Because a satisfied need ceases to motivate when one set is satisfied, automatically, another comes into play ( J. Adair:1996:30). Drawn from the work of Maslow makes the point that needs are organized on a priority basis ( J. Adair:1990:7). This fairly definite hierarchy is arranged by the basic needs (A. H. Maslow:1987:56). But, can human needs be mapped? â€Å"Does the satisfaction of one set of conscious needs trigger off into consciousness another set of previously unconscious needs? †( J. Adair:1996:30) A confident answer on this question is offered by Abraham Maslow: â€Å"Man is a wanting animal and rarely reaches a state of complete satisfaction except for a short time. As one desire is satisfied, another pops up to take its place. When this is satisfied, still another comes into the foreground. It is characteristic of the human being throughout his whole life that he is practically always desiring something. We are faced then with the necessity of studying the relationships of all the motivations to each other and we are concomitantly faced with the necessity of giving up the motivational units in isolation if we are to achieve the broad understanding that we seek for†(A. H. Maslow:1987:34). Maslow ‘s needs hierarchy identifies five sets of needs from the most biological to the most psychological: â€Å"(1) physiological ( such as hunger-thirst ), (2) safety and security, (3) love and belongingness, (4) self-esteem ( achievement, recognition ), (5) self-actualization ( reaching one’s highest potential )†(R. C. Beck:2000:400). These sets are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency and are in a dynamic relationship. A concept of physiological needs have been taken as the starting point for motivational theory. Basic needs become relatively satisfied where the higher needs come to the fore and become motivating influences because â€Å"For our chronically and extremely hungry man, utopia can be defined very simply as a place where there is plenty of food†(G. P. Latham:2007:31). When this need is met then â€Å"At once other (and ‘higher’) needs emerge and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism†(G. P. Latham:2007:31), thus the physiological needs are the most prepotent of all needs (J. Adair:1990:35). Although the physiological needs are relatively well satisfied, unsatisfied need, like safety, love, self-esteem needs, emerges to dominate the organism. Maslow suggest that â€Å"†¦we may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he or she, individually, is fitted for. Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be. They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization†(A. H. Maslow:1987:22). Self-actualization needs â€Å"usually rests upon prior satisfaction of the physiological, safety, love and esteem needs†(J. Adair:1990:38). Maslow meant by self –actualization â€Å" a universal urge in any person to grow and develop as a full human person, realizing all the distinctively human potentials within us†( J. Adair:1996:45). The essence of Maslow’ s theory is that the needs lower in the hierarchy have to be at least partly fulfilled before the highest needs – self-actualization needs – become active. This theory has some limited value: â€Å"when this set of condition happens, then this of that factor will become important†(J. Adair:1996:42). In industrial situation, Maslow’ s theory sometimes seems to make sense. For example: lower – level workers are more motivated by money which are needed for food and shelter and seem to not be much motivated to work creatively in their jobs. At higher levels, self – actualization seems more important and there may be more opportunity for self – expression. It is interesting to compare, how does Herzberg’ s motivator-Hygiene Theory relate to Maslow’ s theory of a Hierarchy of Needs? Clearly they both share in common the concept of self – actualization. Herzberg’ s theory suggests that motivators and satisfiers are some aspects of a job which allow people to satisfy â€Å"higher level†needs (R. C. Beck:2000:400). Herzberg argued that â€Å"people want more from their jobs than pay, such as recognition, responsibility, feelings of achievement, pleasure from social interactions, prestige, stimulation, and challenge†(R. C. Beck:2000:400). These self – actualizing properties are included to the â€Å"growth†dimension of a job. Absence of some job elements is noticeable and produce dissatisfaction in external conditions: administration, supervising, working conditions, relations with others, job security and status. Satisfaction of above needs is called Hygiene factors and was linked by Herzberg with human tendency to avoid painful or unpleasant situations. Although dissatisfaction may lower performance this hygienic measures will not visibly improve performance(R. C. Beck:2000:400). â€Å"All hygiene needs are connected with salary and, because of this, salary is the most visible, communicable and advertised factor in all the world of work. Salary permeates the thoughts and expressions of people when they view their jobs. In such a circumstance, it is hardly surprising that salary often seems to be a satisfier to the individual. If so many hygiene needs can be fulfilled by money, then it is difficult not to conceive of it as a source of happiness†(J. Adair:1990:57). The need for creativity is fitted by motivators. The hygiene factors satisfy the need for fair treatment, and it is thus that the desired job attitude and job performance is achieved by presenting the appropriate incentive (J. Adair:1996:77). Herzberg in â€Å"The Motivation to Work†discusses about Maslow’ s theory as a brief and unsatisfactory and does not agree that the predominant needs of individuals might change and develop, rather than being seen as relatively fixed and immutable (J. Adair:1990:55). In contrast to the predominantly holistic bias of Maslow’ s mind, Herzberg’ s approach is dichotomized into two. In Maslow’ s theory, if physiological, safety and social needs were not met it might create dissatisfaction, but –according to Herzberg – is possible to afford satisfaction by these needs. By contrast, more positive sense of satisfaction needs could lead to the meeting of esteem and self – actualization or professional growth. These two approaches of Maslow and Herzberg could be reconciled. (J. Adair:1996:78) Moreover, the absence of a potential for self – actualizing progress, in Herzberg’ s theory, can not create conscious dissatisfaction, thus did Herzberg only develop the hint in Maslow that a poor model for the ‘higher’ needs in the hierarchy are formed by the physiological needs? To follow a topic, an individual’s internal rating of ‘satisfiers’ and ‘dissatisfiers’ might reflect to personality development, which means progress in gratifying the hierarchy of basic needs, is also accepted by Herzberg. Allowing for the respective intellectual biases of the two psychologists as well as for the application to the work situation in particular, concluding, the similarities between the approaches of Maslow and Herzberg outweigh their dissimilarities (J. Adair:1990:56). The most interesting could become a comparison Maslow’ s and Herzberg’ s theories with Friderick W. Taylor’s, the American engineer, Theory of Motivation (J. Adair:1996:119). Although Maslow’ s and Herzberg’ s theories, as psychologists, are based upon some sort of empirical evidence, however both of them openly confess to propagating and holding certain philosophical assumptions about the nature of man (J. Adair:1990:65). In turn, F. W. Taylor, the father of scientific management, is credited with dehumanizing factories, making men into automatons (M. Smith:2007:34). Barber and Bretz (2000) certified that the most important factors why people choising a job and take into account in seeking and accepting a job offer, is a wage(G. P. Latham:2007:99). But does it have an influence on effort and persistence and to what extent? Taylor (1911) claimed that in the first quarter of the 20th century, there was concluded by engineers, that the primary incentive for engaging in efficient and effective behavior are money (G. P. Latham:2007:99). The father of scientific management (1911) certified that if organization adopted scientific management, this would be a mental revolution between workers’ behaviours, relations and outlook toward employers (G. P. Latham:2007:11). There is four Taylor’s principles: offering to workers a monetary incentive; training and development the workers following by scientific selection; democratically division of work between workers, foreshadowing goals to workers(G. P. Latham:2007:12). Taylor (1911) claimed that following this principles give a revolutionary outcome, employers and employees are able to see that satisfaction money can be made without occasion to quarrel (G. P. Latham:2007:12). Moreover, paying substantial bonuses by employers to employees for efficiently and effectively achieved goal, is the way to satisfied workers (G. P. Latham:2007:12). Herzberg’ s theory establishes to Maslow’ s Hierarchy of Needs does not follow Taylor’s attitudes. Moreover, Herzberg put forward a hypothesis that job can affect a person’s mental health and cause long – term physical health problem. Although, Herzberg (1966) certified that money could have opposed effect on job dissatisfaction, do not have effect on job satisfaction(G. P. Latham:2007:99). Concluding, ‘If F. W. Taylor was the equivalent of Hobbes in industry, then Herzberg stands firmly in the tradition of Locke’(J. Adair:1990:73). In summary, there is a lot of theories what motivates people toward certain actions. One, probably the most influential on managers, Maslow’ s Hierarchy of Needs, sensible and interesting, was made up through the human experience. This American Physiologist worked very hard to find that firstly people satisfy basic needs before even thinking of satisfying more complex needs. As Maslow theory was made through the human experience as Herzberg’ s Theory of Hygiene as well. Similarities between these two theories outweigh their dissimilarities. Making a survey, Herzberg investigated what people liked or disliked about their jobs. One of Herzberg’ s Hygiene Factors is pay. As contrasted with Taylor’ s attitudes about job satisfaction, Herzberg certified that money do not have effect on job satisfaction. In Taylor views, just wage is motivated for workers and satisfaction money can be made without occasion to quarrel. In conclusion, there is even more that Maslow’ s, Herzberg’ s or Taylor’ s theories what is motivation and who motivates people or what makes them tick and why do they do anything. But Maslow’ s Hierarchy of Needs clearly and since the beginning, help us all be more understanding of others around us. This theory is normally drawn as a triangle, because the author believed that it showed what people wanted form the job. Everybody start at the bottom and then work their way up, to the top, to self – actualization. But different people have different needs, moreover people are not fit in the same pattern. That makes Maslow’ s theory not perfect. Although that many great physiologists tried to find the best theory of motivation, although that most of managers are based on these theories, although that one must work hard to obtain willful goal and raises knowledge along the way to success, these all theories do not negate the fact that nowadays, nepotism plays a prominent role in the employment stakes. Bibliography: 1. Adair, J (1990) â€Å"Understanding motivation†, The Talbot Adair Press, Surrey, 2. Adair, J (1996) â€Å"Effective motivation†, Pan Books, London, 3. Beck R. C (2000) â€Å" Motivation: Theories and Principles†, Pearson Education, Inc. , New Jersey, 4. Latham G. P (2007) â€Å" Work Motivation†, Sage Publication, USA, 5. Maslow A. H (1987) â€Å" Motivation and Personality†, Harper & Row, New York, 6. Smith M. ( 2007) â€Å" Fundamentals of management†, McGraw – Hill Education, Berkshire. (2085 words)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Oklahoma Wesleyan University Admissions Overview
Oklahoma Wesleyan University Admissions Overview Oklahoma Wesleyan University Admissions Overview: Oklahoma Wesleyan has an acceptance rate of 73%, which is encouraging for interested studentsthose with solid grades and test scores have a good chance of being admitted. For complete instructions and information on applying, be sure to visit the schools website.  Admissions Data (2016): Oklahoma Wesleyan University Acceptance Rate: 73%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 410 / 510SAT Math: 420 / 590SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 18 / 23ACT English: 16 / 24ACT Math: 17 / 24What these ACT numbers mean Oklahoma Wesleyan University Description: Although its origins began much earlier, Oklahoma Wesleyan University truly came into existence in 2001after several mergers and re-namings. The school is located in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, which is about an hour north of Tulsa. The city has a population of around 35,000. Students can choose a major from five different schoolsBusiness, Arts and Sciences, Ministry and Christian Thought, Education, or Nursing. Popular majors within these colleges include Nursing, Business Administration/Economics, Psychology, Theological, and Religious Studies, and Exercise Science. Because of its affiliation with the Wesleyan Church, OKWU offers students ample opportunities to join religious clubs, service projects, and attend services throughout the week. Students have the chance to study abroadeither within the country (more off-campus study than abroad) or in different countries. OKWU is highly ranked, for financial aid, value, and teaching quality. On the athletic front, the OKWU Eagles compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) within the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference. Popular sports on campus include basketball, soccer, golf, and track field. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 1,467 (1,192 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 40% Male / 60% Female53% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $25,070Books: $900Room and Board: $8,136Other Expenses: $3,890Total Cost: $37,996 Oklahoma Wesleyan University Financial Aid (2015 - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99%Loans: 82%Average Amount of AidGrants: $11,183Loans: $6,147 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors: Nursing, Business Marketing, Psychology, Business Economics, Theological Studies, Exercise Science, Biology Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 60%4-Year Graduation Rate: 32%6-Year Graduation Rate: 44% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Track and Field, Cross Country, GolfWomens Sports: Track and Field, Soccer, Softball, Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Oklahoma Wesleyan University, You May Also Like These Schools: Oklahoma City UniversitySouthern Nazarene UniversityUniversity of TulsaOklahoma Panhandle State UniversityUniversity of Central OklahomaCameron UniversityLangston UniversityOklahoma State UniversityEast Central UniversityOral Roberts UniversityNortheastern State University Oklahoma Wesleyan University Mission Statement: mission statement from their website As an evangelical Christian university of The Wesleyan Church, Oklahoma Wesleyan University models a way of thought, a way of life, and a way of faith. It is a place of serious study, honest questions, and critical engagement, all in the context of a liberal arts community that honors the Primacy of Jesus Christ, the Priority of Scripture, the Pursuit of Truth, and the Practice of Wisdom.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learning Mandarin Chinese Hotel Vocabulary
Learning Mandarin Chinese Hotel Vocabulary Major Chinese and Taiwanese hotels almost always have the English-speaking staff to assist travelers from Western countries. Hotels in out-of-the-way tourist destinations, however, may not have anyone available who speaks English, so this list of common hotel vocabulary will help you. Be sure to practice these words and phrases well before your departure date. The hardest part about Mandarin vocabulary is the tones, which can give a word different meanings. The proper use of tones will make your Mandarin easy to understand. Click on the links in the Pinyin column to hear the audio files. English Pinyin Chinese Characters hotel lÇš guÇŽn æâ€"…é ¤ ¨ room fng jiÄ n æˆ ¿Ã©â€"“ room with shared bath pÇâ€tÃ… ng fng æ™ ®Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã¦Ë† ¿ suite to fang Ã¥ ¥â€"æˆ ¿ single room dÄ n rà ©n fng Ã¥â€" ®Ã¤ º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿ double room shuÄ ng rà ©n fng é›™ä º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿ deposit yÄ jÄ «n 押金 check in bo do Ã¥ ±Ã¥Ë† ° stay in a hotel zhà ¹ lÇš guÇŽn ä ½ æâ€"…é ¤ ¨ reserve a room dà ¬ng fngjiÄ n è ¨â€šÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã©â€"“ luggage xà ng li è ¡Å'æ Ž parking lot tà ngchÄ“ chÇŽng Ã¥ Å"è »Å Ã¥ ´ restaurant cÄ ntÄ «ng é ¤ Ã¥ » ³ front desk fà º wà ¹ ti æÅ" å‹™è‡ º wake-up call jio xÇ ng Ã¥ «Ã©â€ ’ bath mà ¹ yà ¹ æ ² æ µ ´ shower là n yà ¹ æ ·â€¹Ã¦ µ ´ television din shà ¬ é› »Ã¨ ¦â€" telephone din hu é› »Ã¨ © ± elevator din tÄ « é› »Ã¦ ¢ ¯ I have a reservation. WÇ’ yà ¹dà ¬ng le. 我é Ã¥ ®Å¡Ã¤ ºâ€ ï ½ ¡ I would like a double room. WÇ’ yo shuÄ ng rà ©n fang. 我è ¦ é›™ä º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã¯ ½ ¡ I would like a room with a†¦ WÇ’ xiÇŽng yo yÇ’u†¦ de fngjiÄ n. 我æÆ' ³Ã¨ ¦ æÅ"‰â€ ¦Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã©â€"“ï ½ ¡ Where is the elevator? Din tÄ « zi nÇŽli? é› »Ã¦ ¢ ¯Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¨ £ ¡? I would like a wake-up call for (time). QÇ ng (time) jio xÇ ng wÇ’. è «â€¹ (time) Ã¥ «Ã©â€ ’我ï ½ ¡ I would like to check out. WÇ’ yo tuà ¬ fang. 我è ¦ 退æˆ ¿Ã¯ ½ ¡ The bill is incorrect. Zhng dÄ n bà º duà ¬. Ã¥ ¸ ³Ã¥â€" ®Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ ° ï ½ ¡
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Research Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Research Method - Essay Example ompetencies as per the job requirements and the analysis of the reward structure and their effectiveness on the job satisfaction, motivation and job performance of workforce. Hence, the study is focused on discussing the suitable and required research methods, strategy and techniques as per the purposes. The analysis of skills and competencies of different employees is essential to properly allocate the job roles and responsibilities (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Draganidis and Mentzas, G. (2006) have mentioned that the increase in global competition has rapidly enhanced the pace of change in organisational work culture and structure which demand the continuous modification of current skill sets of the workforce. Tripathi and Agrawal, (2014) have described that the manager’s job within any organisation is to identify the employees with lower than the required skills while implementing continuous learning procedure. According to Acemoglu and Autor, (2011), analysis of the skill and competencies of workforce is also very essential to properly allocate job roles. This process allows the management to increase the work motivation and output of the employees. Lunenburg, (2011) has evaluated the Vroom’s motivational theory in accordance to the practices of reward and recognition. According to the researcher, the work motivation is highly dependent on the expectation of workforce in terms of their ability to perform a particular task and receive adequate and deserved reward. Manzoor, (2012) has evaluated that employees display less motivation and dissatisfaction in organisations which neglect the aspect of rewards. Alternatively, employees demonstrate high motivation and satisfaction with adequate growth opportunities in terms of innovative rewards program. Research design demonstrates the detailed outline regarding the steps essential for a systematic research procedure. There are generally three types of research design such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed
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